
Clinical tools for oncology professionals

Terms of Use
By using this website you agree to the following Terms of Use.

CancerCalc provides clinical tools and calculators on its website (referred to hereafter as 'Content'). The Content provided by CancerCalc must only be used by medical professionals and is provided for information purposes only. The Content does not constitute medical advice or recommendation of a particular diagnosis, investigation, therapy or management plan. Clinicians must use their own professional judgement when using the Content and remain responsible for their own clinical decisions. CancerCalc accepts no liability for any damage (including injury, hospitalisation, death, or financial loss) to any persons or organisations resulting from the use of the Content. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure Content is obtained from trustworthy sources, CancerCalc provides no guarantee that the Content is accurate. It should be noted that medical literature changes over time and CancerCalc provides no guarantee that the Content is up to date. CancerCalc also provides no guarantee that the Content will be applicable in a given population, demographic group or geographical region.

CancerCalc cites the original research articles used to create the Content provided on its website. These original research articles are converted into easy to use clinical calculators giving dynamic scores based on user entered data. CancerCalc considers this reasonable use of the original research articles. However, should you believe that any of the Content infringes upon your copyright, you may request removal of the relevant Content by contacting us

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Content for personal non-commercial purposes. You agree not to copy, sell, licence, or prepare derivative works based on the Content. You can print or download content for personal non-commercial purposes but must not modify any Content or remove any copyright or trademark notices displayed within the Content.